Fri-Sep-01-23 5:30-6:30PM Game 1A Wilhauk Arena
Fri-Sep-01-23 6:45-7:45PM Game 1B Wilhauk Arena
Sat-Sep-02-23 6:00-7:00PM Game 2A Wilhauk Arena
Sat-Sep-02-23 7:15-8:15PM Game 2B Wilhauk Arena
Sun-Sep-03-23 6:30-7:30PM Game 3A Aspen Arena
Sun-Sep-03-23 7:45-8:45PM Game 3B Aspen Arena
**Mon-Sep-04-23 5:30-6:30PM Wilhauk Arena **Goalies Only**
Wed-Sep-06 5:00-6:00PM Blue/White Game Chemco Arena
Wed-Sep-06 6:16-7:15PM Blue/White Game Chemco Arena
- Releases will be made after the final skate on Sun-Sep-03 and after the blue/white games.
- Final releases will be made after SMHA U13AA IceBreaker Evaluation Series. Ice times to follow.
Evaluations will be conducted by an outside organization called Hockey Evaluations. All players will be evaluated each session by 4 evaluators on 4 categories: skating, skills, tactics, and intangibles. You will be provided your childs ranking after each skate. Login information and unique player ID code will be sent by Hockey Evaluations prior to the first skate.
- All skaters are guaranteed 3 skates.